Annual Club Picnic
Saturday, Sept 21st at Rincon County Beach
9:00am - 2:00pm
Please RSVP to this event:
"click here" to RSVP
Lunch is at 1:00 pm
Surf Fishing from 9:00 to Noon
😀 We'll supply the Tri-tip & Salmon (protein). 😀
🍉🍰🥬 Requesting members bring a potluck item 🍉🍰🥬
A - D Appetizer for 10+ people
E - O Salad/Side Dish for 10 people
P - Z Dessert for 10+ people
Have a specialty dish, dip, cookie or what-
ever you’d rather bring? Bring it!
Steve will supply water and sodas in a
large cooler available.
RSVP to the picnic/surf fishing event > click here
FROM: 9:00am to Noon.
Winner of the largest fish gets a
9-foot, 8-weight 4-piece Redington Rod.
Surf-fishing will start around 9am -- or earlier if you like.
Tourney Rules:
Present a photo of your catch next to your rod (start at bottom)
to determine the size of your catch. Steve will then measure length
of your rod and decide who the winner will be!
** Don't forget to get your "ocean enhancement" added to your fishing license.
G-map to Rincon County Beach Park